Root Canal Treatment is done on a damaged or infected tooth. Infection could be due to a cracked or broken tooth, deep decay, gum diseases or maybe due to repeated dental treatment on a particular tooth. The outer portion or Crown of a tooth is a three-layered structure namely Enamel, Dentin & Pulp. If the tooth decay is limited to the first two layers, it can be corrected with Filling/ Restoration. In case the tooth decay reaches the third layer and causes inflammation or infection of pulp, an RCT or Endodontic Treatment is needed. Root Canal Treatment (RCT) also is known as Endodontic Treatment is a procedure done when the tooth decay reaches the pulp (innermost layer of the tooth) causing inflammation. It is necessary to save the damaged tooth from extraction. This procedure is done by an Endodontist who is known as a Root Canal Specialist.
For more details please contact us at +919667781166
Tags: | #Best RCT Treatment in Vasundhara, # Best RCT Treatment in Anand Vihar, # Best RCT Treatment in Ghaziabad, # Best RCT in Anand Vihar |